Recent News2024-2025 High School ChoirKindergarten Color DaysPlease participate in helping our Kindergarten teachers teach their students the colors listed below. It is simple; just wear that color on the designated days!
Thank you for your support! Immunization Requirement Updates:Kansas Immunization Requirements have changed. Please make sure your child is up to date. Call and schedule an appointment at your local health department for more information.
Core Communities Info:Core Communities of Meade County is for anyone who would like support and knowledge on finances for home and life.
2024-2025 Physical FormsPhysical Forms for the 2024-2025 school year must be completed and on file with the building offices before student-athletes may begin practice. 1st day of Fall practices is August 19th. Students who received their physical at school in May 2024 will not need to get another physical.
KanCare Information: |
ResourcesMustang Messenger Newsletter
Lunch/Book Prepay NFHS Network - Event Streaming Employment Opportunities Current COVID Protocols Financial Aid Meeting Senior Scholarships Summer Lunch Program KSDE Accountability Reports