Kansas Education Systems Accreditation (KESA)
About KESA...
Beginning in 2016, the Kansas Department of Education implemented a new approach to state accreditation. Since then, USD 483 has been working through the five-year KESA cycle toward approved accreditation. The District Leadership Team, consisting of faculty and administrators representing each of the district's three educational sites, has worked with the Board of Education, District Site Council, faculty and staff within each building, and other educational consultants to meet yearly KESA requirements as the district moves toward accreditation. Currently, in Year Two of the five-year cycle, the leadership team is preparing for an on-site visit by the Outside Visiting Team, an advisory body of Kansas educators helping the district with the accreditation process. This landing page will house all KESA related communication and information, as well as student/staff/community celebrations of success as the district works toward meeting its student related goals of improved Relationships and Relevance in USD 483.